Washington NatureMapping Program

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About Species Codes

The Species Codes for Washington State contain four or five letters.
The first two letters of the code are the first two letters of the genus name. 
The second two or three letters of the code are the first two or three letters of the species name.
(There are a few exceptions to this rule.)


The scientific name of the Common garter snake is Thamnophis sirtalis.
The species code is THSI

The scientific name the Black bear is Ursus americanus.
The species code is URAM


Species Codes Practice

Common Name Scientific Name Species Code
Long-toed salamander  Ambystoma macrodactylum ___________
Western toad Bufo boreas ___________
Beaver Castor canadensis  ___________
Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus ___________

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