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Try the new NM Online Data Entry Form.

Or use the following method for submitting data.

NatureMapping Data Submission Form

Submitting data involves two steps: 1) Submit Metadata, then 2) Upload the data spreadsheet to the NatureMapping Program.

Step 1. Submit Metadata

This information will be sent by email to the NatureMapping Program.
Please fill in all the fields below.

Your Name:

Your NatureMapping ID Number:


Data Collection Date:
  (YYYY MM DD; ie. 2006 11 13)

Where were you collecting data?

What were you doing?
Riding in a car, on vacation, at home, hiking, at a park, at work, boating, school field trip, community project, etc.


After submitting the metadata, go to step 2 to upload the data spreadsheet.

How to Participate