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NatureMapping Activities
Student Guide

6. Introduction to Mapping - Part II

Standard Basic Colors Distinguish Types of Map Features

Cultural Features

Black is used for man-made features such as roads, buildings, names and boundaries.
Red is used with tints for emphasis on classes of roads, to show urban areas and public land subdivision lines.

Natural Features

Blue is used for hydrographic (e.g. water) features such as lakes, rivers, canals and glaciers.
Green is used for native vegetation, forests, with pattern variations for scrub, agricultural vineyards and orchards.

1. What does the green color mean in the map below?
2. Public lands (e.g., US Forest Service, National Park Service, etc.) can also be colored green.
Do you think the ski lift is within US Forest Service property?

contour map

Contours Show Land Shapes and Elevation

Landform, portrayed by contours, is the distinctive characteristic of topographic maps. Contours are imaginary lines of equal elevations, above sea level, which define the land surface.
Contour Interval is the regular elevation difference between contour lines on maps. Small contour intervals are used where terrain is relatively flat; larger intervals in mountain areas.
Index Contours, every fourth or fifth line, are heavier width lines with elevations labeled.

1. If each contour line = 40 feet, then what is the elevation for this line?
2. How can you tell in the 3D picture which way the streams are flowing based on the contour lines if the stream is going down, then the contour lines point ____

contour map

1. If the map below is facing north, from which direction are you looking at the 3D map?

contour map

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