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Definition of "Unvegetated" - General Code 100: Less than 10% vegetation cover. Excludes agricultural and, developed areas, and open water. Refers mostly to large areas of bare rock, saline flats, and permanent snow and ice fields.

Unvegetated: Sand Beach (130)

Cannon Beach Oregon
Descriptive Habitat Code: Beaches are habitats having less than 10% vegetation cover (1), and include large areas of sand (30)

Photo: Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach, Oregon

American crow
Corvus brachyrhynchus
Code: COBR
Photo: TFK
Distribution and Habitat:
It is found in a wide variety of natural and developed urban habitats. They can be seen in parks, camp grounds and along beaches.

It is an omnivore and feeds upon small birds, mammals, crayfish, snails, insects, spiders, corn, fruit and even turtles.

Interesting fact:
There are two sizes of the American crow in Western Washington. The Northwestern crow is smaller and only found along the coast.

American Crow Fact Sheet »

California gull
Larus californius
Photo: RA
Distribution and Habitat:
It is found throughout parts of the western North Pacific Ocean. It breeds on gravel beds along the Columbia River and large lakes in the Columbia Basin.

It is an opportunistic scavenger feeding on fish, crustaceans, bivalves and other invertebrates, as well as carrion and scavenging items from dumps and other areas of human habitation.

Interesting fact:
This gull is often found nesting together with the Ring- billed gull. It is Utah's state bird because it saved settlers from starvation when flocks of California gulls ate the locusts ruining their crops.

Sea star

Photo: TFK
Distribution and Habitat:
It is found throughout parts of the western North Pacific Ocean.

The star fish usually hunt for shelled animals such as oysters and clams.

Interesting fact:
Sea stars have two stomachs. One stomach is used for digestion, and the other stomach can be extended outward to engulf and digest their prey.

Western gull
Larus occidentalis
Code: LAOC
Photo: TFK
Distribution and Habitat:
It is found throughout parts of the western North Pacific Ocean. It breeds on gravel beds along the Columbia River and large lakes in the Columbia Basin.

It is an opportunistic scavenger feeding on fish, crustaceans, bivalves and other invertebrates, as well as carrion and scavenging items from dumps and other areas of human habitation.

Interesting fact:
This gull is often found nesting together with the Ring- billed gull. It is Utah's state bird because it saved settlers from starvation when flocks of California gulls ate the locusts ruining their crops.

Western gull Fact Sheet »

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