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Definition of "Non-Forest" - General Code 600: Grasslands, mountain meadows, un-maintained range, clear cuts, as well as young replanted forests with trees less than 15' tall and have less than 26% canopy cover.

Non-Forest: Clearcut (611)

Descriptive Habitat Code: Clearcut is non-forest (6), recently disturbed (1), and sparsely vegetated; 60-90% bare ground (1).

Clearcutting is a forestry/logging practice in which the majority of all trees in a forest sector are cut down.

Photo: KMD

American Black bear
Ursus americanus
Code: URAM
Photo: Natures Pics
Distribution and Habitat:
It is found in mountainous, forested, and wetland habitats

It is an omnivore and feeds upon a variety of foods which include vegetation, carrion, fish, fruit, grubs, and hoofed mammals.

Interesting fact:
The largest black bear ever recorded weighed approximately 600 pounds, although the average size is around 200 pounds. The black bear may have brown or tan fur. It climbs trees easily.

American Black Bear Fact Sheet >

Canis latrans
Photo: RA
Distribution and Habitat:
It is found in mountainous areas, grasslands, deciduous and mixed coniferous forests and even urban areas.

It feeds on whatever it can find, mostly mammals and carrion, although it also eats birds, fruit, and insects.

Interesting fact:
Efforts to exterminate coyotes have taken place during the 20th century. Their numbers are still increasing.

Coyote Fact Sheet »

Cervus elaphus
Code: CEEL
Photo: Natures Pics
Distribution and Habitat:
Elk are widespread in Washington and found in a variety of habitats such as shrub steppe, bunchgrass, shrub plant communities, open meadows near open or closed canopy forests.

Elk browse on grasses, shrubs, tree bark and twigs.

Interesting fact:
Bull elk bugle to attract cows and advertise their dominance to other bulls.

Elk Fact Sheet »

Lady beetles
(aka Ladybugs)
Photo: TFK
Distribution and Habitat:
Ladybugs are found all over the world. They have many different patterns.

Larvae eat more than their parents. Their food consists of aphids, white flies, mites and other insects that damage our gardens.

Interesting fact:
Lady beetles have been known to hibernate in large groups in the crevices of glaciers.

Lady Bug Fact Sheet »

White-tailed Deer
Odocoileus virginianus
Code: ODVI
Photo: Natures Pics
Distribution and Habitat:
White-tailed deer are found in North America from southern Canada through Central America. Deer prefer open woodland, but are often found on the fringes of urban areas and in farming country.

White-tailed deer are herbivores. These deer feed on a variety of vegetation including buds and twigs of maple, sassafras, poplar, aspen and birch.

Interesting fact:
"White-tailed" refers to the white underside of the deer's tail, which it displays and wags when it senses danger.

White-tails, particularly the young, are preyed upon by bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, and wolves.

White-tailed Deer Fact Sheet »

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