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California GAP Analysis Predicted Distribution Map
Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Species Code: M153
Breeding Range Map
The green area shows the predicted habitats for breeding only.
© NatureMapping Program
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Predicted breeding range
= Core Habitat
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Breeding Range Map
The green area shows the predicted habitats for breeding only.
The purpose of the vertebrate distribution maps is to provide more precise information about the current distribution of individual native species within their general ranges than is generally available from field guides.
Most mammals do not migrate as birds do, so the colored areas depict the predicted range for the Raccoon year-round. The habitats were identified using satellite imagery, other datasets and experts throughout the state, as part of the California Gap Analysis Project.
Species Observations
The green area shows the predicted habitats for breeding only.
© NatureMapping Program
Raccoons are found along nearly all waterways and water bodies where cover for shelter and protection is provided by hardwood trees, cavities in canyon walls and rock outcrops, or old buildings. Also found in cultivated or abandoned farmlands, and residential areas. In the northeast, they are confined to the riparian zone, farmland, and small cities along the major river drainages. Generally not found in conifer forests except in smaller patches of suitable deciduous vegetation.
Core zones included all low elevation zones, steppe zones and Ponderosa Pine and Oak. In the west-side core zones, good habitat is low and medium density development, agriculture, water/wetlands, and hardwood forests. In the steppe zones, similar habitats, plus irrigated agriculture, are good habitat.
Design by Tim Knight