The Washington Gap Analysis Project created breeding bird maps only. The non-breeding birds (e.g., wintering, pelagic (coastal), and birds expanding their ranges) are represented only by NatureMapping sightings.
The Washington Gap Analysis Project could not find any historical research records (i.e., Breeding Bird Atlas, Breeding Bird Survey, Bird Banding and Recovery) for 73 species of birds. The Solitary Sandpiper is one of the species.
NatureMapping observations reported by townships throughout the year. |
The Solitary Sandpiper winters along the east coast of Mexico. It nests from central Alaska all the way across Canada. There has been one nesting record in the US (Minnesota). The Solitary Sandpiper occurs in Washington as an uncommon fall and rare spring migrant, generally more numerous in the east. It is almost always seen at ponds and other freshwater sites, from the lowlands up to forested mountain lakes.
Text edited by Gussie Litwer