GAP Analysis Predicted Distribution Map

Green Frog  Rana clamitans

Species Code: RACL

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Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made)

= Core Habitat
= Marginal Habitat

Predicted Distribution
Amphibians do not migrate as some birds and mammals, so the colored areas depict the predicted range for the Cascades Frog year-round. The habitats were identified using 1991 satellite imagery, other datasets and experts throughout the state, as part of the Washington Gap Analysis Project.

Other maps & Information:
  • NatureMapping observations throughout the year
  • Links to pictures and other information about this species

Distribution and Habitat Requirements
The Green Frog is native to the southeastern and maritime provinces of Canada and much of the eastern half of the U.S. This species is highly aquatic and is seldom found far from a body of permanent standing water. This is an introduced species occurring in only two sites Lake Gillette (Stevens County) and Toad Lake (Whatcom County). This seems to be a site specific species and has not been found in lakes surrounding Lake Gillette and Toad Lake.

The Puget Sound Douglas-fir zone in the Puget Sound ecoregion and Western Hemlock zone in the Northeast Corner ecoregion were core areas. Freswhwater lakes were good habitats.

Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Amphibians and Reptiles Volume by Karen Dvornich

Webpage designed by Dave Lester.