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Species Code: MYCI
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map Map with Breeding Bird Atlas records
This flycatcher is locally fairly common in riparian and oak woodlands in southern Klickikat County. Local nesting records occur as far north as Chelan County. This species' breeding distribution is mostly associated with the distribution of Garry Oak in Washington. Some nests in Yakima County and the single site at the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge are found in riparian trees. This species nests in tree cavities and occasionally in next boxes.
Core zones were Ponderosa Pine, Oak, Three-tip Sage, Klickitat Meadow Steppe, Bitterbrush, and Canyon Grasslands. They were peripheral in Central Arid Steppe. In all zones, range was limited areas with recent breeding evidence, mostly in or adjacent to the Oak zone. Riparian Habitats, mixed forests, and hardwood forests were good habitats.
The Southwestern species of this flycatcher is representative of the oak-chaparral habitats, which are more common south of Washington. Birds breeding near Wenatchee in Chelan County are undoubtedly the northernmost breeding Ash-throated Flycatchers in the world. The Ash-throated Flycatchers may be more widespread than indicated on the map especially in the Oak zone in poorly surveyed parts of Yakima and Klickikat Counties. This species usually nests in tree cavities, but it has been found nesting in boxes set for bluebirds just west of the Yakima Canyon.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester