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Species Code: ARAL
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map Map with Breeding Bird Atlas records
This species was locally common in wetlands or cities at low elevations in eastern Washington. They prefer riparian vegetation and are not normally found in the arid central Columbia Basin, or higher that the Ponderosa Pine zone.
Core areas of use were steppe and Ponderosa Pine zones, where good habitats were all wetlands and low-density development. Conifer forests were included knowing that there may be smaller pockets of habitat suitable for them. Peripheral areas of use were the Interior Douglas-fir at the edge of the core zones and in Grand Fir in the Blue Mountains. In the peripheral areas, good habitats were limited to wetlands and low-density development.
The Black-chinned Hummingbird is much more common in northeastern Washington and along the Idaho border south to the Blue Mountains than it is in the east Cascades. it is especially common around Spokane and the Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge in Spokane County. As a species typical of the Rocky Mountains, it has colonized some areas in the Cascades by expanding its range in recent years. One expert reported it as local and uncommon at scattered locations in the Basin, except along the Touchet River near Prescott, where it was reported to be fairly common. In 1977 some experts considered them rare in the Blue Mountains, though Breeding Bird Atlas data show at least four locations in what is a relatively poorly sampled area. Additionally, another expert considered the species to be common in OregonŐs Blue and Willowa Mountains.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester