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Species Code: AYVA
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map Map with Breeding Bird Atlas records
This species is uncommon in large ponds, lakes, and reservoirs at lower elevations in eastern Washington. They generally avoid small ponds with limited food supply and depth. They do not breed in western Washington but are occasionally found as summering birds in the Puget Trough. Specific locations in eastern Washington include Potholes Reservoir, Winchester Wasteway, Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, and Molson, Muskrat, and Osoyoos Lakes. They are not known to breed in the southern Columbia Basin, southeastern Washington, or the Palouse region. Confirmed nesting records within the last ten years are limited to Okanogan, Grant, and Spokane Counties.
Good habitat in the core areas of use included large freshwater bodies in eastern Washington in the Central Arid Steppe, Three-tip Sage, and Ponderosa Pine zones. However, habitat was limited to local areas where Canvasbacks have been confirmed as nesting. No habitat was modeled in western Washington.
The scattered nature of Canvasback breeding records indicates how limited their habitat is in Washington; this species generally nest farther north than our state. In the southernmost part of their breeding range, Canvasbacks face a shortage of suitable water bodies, plus brood parasitism and unspecific competition for food from Redheads. No records exist from Rock Lake; a lake with seemingly suitable habitat, but this species is considered a rare breeder in southeastern Washington. Canvasbacks are declining across the country as of this writing, so their range in Washington may also be shrinking.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester