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Species Code: ANCY
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map
The Cinnamon Teal is the most common breeding teal in Washington. They are found in freshwater ponds and wetlands in lowlands east and west of the Cascade crest.
East side: can be found breeding in all of the Columbia Basin, east to the channeled scablands and Palouse, and north into major river valleys. It is found west to the edge of the Columbia Basin and in appropriate habitats up into the Ponderosa Pine, Oak, and (sometimes) Interior Douglas-fir zones. In Klickitat County, found west to Trout Lake.
West side: less common that on the east side, but still the most common teal. Can be found in appropriate habitat within the Puget Trough and locally out to Grays Harbor and along the lower Columbia River.
Core habitats nearly identical to the Blue-winged Teal, except more widespread, and water/wetlands in the Interior Douglas-fir and Oak zones (core) were also included as good habitats.
Washington breeders represent the subspecies A. c. septentrionalium. The Cinnamon Teal is classically the 'western' Blue-winged Teal. Throughout the state, it is the most common teal species. In the past century, however, landscape changes in Washington have caused it to be displaced and outnumbered in some areas by its once-rare relative, the Blue-winged Teal. Cinnamon Teals prefer to forage in sites with emergent vegetation.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester