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Species Code: GAGA
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map Map with Breeding Bird Atlas records
This species is common in freshwater wetlands at lower elevations on both sides of the mountains. The Common Snipe needs emergent vegetation for nesting. They are found at low elevations in western Washington and the Cascades; in eastern Washington, throughout the Columbia Basin, Methow valley, Okanogan valley, and northeastern river valleys, and up into subalpine zones in wet meadows. They are sparse south of the Snake River and east of Walla Walla, where marshy wetlands are uncommon, though they were noted along the lower reaches of the Tucannon River in Columbia County. In western Washington, they are found all along the Puget Trough in the appropriate habitats, south to Vancouver in Clark County, and west to Grays Harbor.
The core areas of use were all those below the Silver Fir zone on the west-side, and below the Subalpine Fir on the east-side, except in northeastern Washington and the northeast Cascades, where it was also included in the Subalpine Fir and Alpine/Parkland zones. In all zones, fresh water/wetlands were good habitat. In steppe, Ponderosa Pine, and Oak zones, irrigated agricultural areas were included knowing there might be suitable microhabitats available, as were all agricultural areas in the other forested zones. In Subalpine Fir and Alpine/Parkland, alpine and subalpine meadows were also good.
At lower elevations, snipes are commonly found in wet marshes and farmland habitats where meadows occur. At higher elevations, they are restricted to wet montane and subalpine meadows with a similar combination of wet, grassy habitats. Some disturbing declines have been noted for Common Snipe. In Washington Breeding Bird Survey data show significant population declines of 13.3% per year from 1982 to 1991.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester