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GAP Analysis Predicted Distribution Map

Gray Partridge (Perdix perdix)

Species Code: PEPE

Click to enlarge Range map

= Core Habitat
= Marginal Habitat

Breeding Range Map
The green area shows the predicted habitats for breeding only. The habitats were identified using 1991 satellite imagery, Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA), other datasets and experts throughout the state, as part of the Washington Gap Analysis Project. Habitats used during non-breeding months and migratory rest-stops were not mapped.

Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made)

Click to enlarge distribution map

Other maps & Information:
  • Breeding Bird Atlas
  • NatureMapping observations
    during breeding season
  • NatureMapping observations
    throughout the year

This species is locally common in shrub-steppe and dryland wheat areas throughout eastern Washington, mostly below the Ponderosa Pine zone, but extending into this zone in Spokane and Lincoln Counties. This is a Eurasian species introduced as a game bird. It needs shrubby cover nearby for nesting.

Good habitat in the core areas of use included all steppe and agricultural habitat in steppe zones and locally in the Ponderosa Pine zone.

Introductions sometimes make a species' range limits difficult to determine. Furthermore, introductions are continually occurring, which causes changes in range limits. Gray Partridges are known to have sustained breeding populations throughout the area above, though numbers can vary because of habitat and introduction history. Gray Partridges are rare in the very hot and arid lower Columbia Basin. In southeastern Washington there is apparently high mortality in hatch-year birds during years with cool springtime weather.

Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester