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Species Code: ANAC
Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made)
This species is uncommon in freshwater ponds and wetlands in the central Columbia Basin; local breeder near the Ponderosa Pine zone. It is mostly found in the wetlands in southern Grant County (Potholes Reservoir, Frenchman Hills Wasteway, Winchester Wasteway, Crab Creek, Columbia National Wildlife Refuge, and Saddle Mountain National Wildlife Refuge), and adjacent wetlands in southwestern Adams County. Rare farther east in the channeled scablands, rare in Yakima County, rare breeder in the Okanogan valley and northeastern river valleys, and absent as a breeder in southeastern Washington. Very rare breeder in western Washington, one recent probable breeding record from the Auburn area and one confirmed record from Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.
Good habitat in core zones included wetlands and ponds in all steppe zones and parts of the Ponderosa Pine zone within breeding range limits. Not modeled in western Washington.
Washington breeders represent the subspecies A. a. acuta. The records from the central Columbia Basin are adequate evidence of breeding status. It is likely that a few individuals wander to the higher parts of the Columbia Basin during the breeding season and reproduce in marginal habitat; the scarcity of records in Okanogan valley and in Yakima County suggests this scenario. Most west-side birds are summering non-breeders, though historically nests have occasionally been found in a variety of areas throughout Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester