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Species Code: COBO
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map
This species was common in most forested areas of Washington and uncommon or rare in the Blue Mountains. Prefers sites with large tree patches adjacent to cleared areas, burns, or water bodies. They will breed sparingly in city parks or residential areas where similar characteristics exist, but most sightings in these areas are migrants.
The core areas of use were all forested areas except the Oak zone, plus Alpine/Parkland. Good habitats in forested zones were fresh water/wetlands, forest openings (including cuts), and all forests. In Alpine/Parkland, parkland and forest patches were good. Developed areas were not included, though the Olive-sided Flycatcher occasionally breeds there.
Though no records from atlas data were available for the Olympic Peninsula, in 1993 a researcher reported Olive-sided Flycatchers throughout the Peninsula wherever older forests border clearings of any type occurred. In this region, they apparently are most common in the eastern Olympics. Few atlas records exist from the Blues, where this species' status was based on research from 1952 and 1977. The Olive-sided Flycatcher is and edge species that occurs throughout forested areas where forest stands are adjacent to open areas (such as cuts, burns, montane meadows, and western Washington agricultural areas). As such, habitat juxtaposition (a feature not incorporated into our modeling) affects habitat quality for this species. In residential areas, Olive-sided Flycatchers are uncommon, but sometimes occur as breeders where suitable large trees are available.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester