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Species Code: CHVA
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map Map with Breeding Bird Atlas records
This species was a common breeder in forested zones throughout the state, local breeder in eastern Washington below the lower treeline in residential areas. They may be found nesting in a wide variety of habitats, as long as a suitable cavity is available, including dead trees and chimneys. They are known in a wide range of elevations from sea level to at least 5000 feet.
The core areas of use were all those below Alpine/Parkland and above steppe. Good habitats in the core areas of use (except Ponderosa Pine and Oak) were all except high-density developed areas. In Ponderosa Pine and Oak, treatment was similar, except that non-forested areas were excluded. Peripheral areas were steppe zones, but good habitats were limited to wetlands, development (except high-density), and forests.
Washington breeders represent the nominate northern subspecies C. v. vauxi. No confirmed nest records are currently available from Seattle, yet Vaux's Swift is common there throughout the summer, and suitable habitat exists in city parks and some residential areas. This species can be found nesting at high elevations, at least into the Silver Fir zone in western Washington, as records from Mount Rainier indicate. In the Blue Mountains area, they are found throughout the forests, down along river valleys, and in residential areas of Walla Walla, in Walla Wall County, and Pomeroy in Garfield County.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester