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Species Code: OTKE
Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made)
This species is fairly common in western Washington in hardwood or mixed woodlands, woody riparian or other wetland vegetation, city parks, and residential areas with suitable vegetation. In eastern Washington, they are locally fairly common at low to moderate elevations in woody riparian vegetation and in city parks, gardens, and residential areas with suitable vegetation, but are absent from most of the central Columbia Basin.
West side core areas of use were all areas below the Silver Fir zone; all habitats were good except mid- to high-density development, estuaries, and bare ground. East side core areas of use were all areas below and including the Grand Fir zone, but screech-owls were excluded by range limits from much of the Columbia Basin; good habitats were all riparian or other woody wetlands, forests, low-density residential areas, and city parks. Though this species is associated with deciduous trees and shrubs, most other habitats were included because it was assumed that a suitable-sized patch of shrubby undergrowth or a small creek would occur within most of the mapped habitat.
Two subspecies breed in Washington, O. k. macfarlanei of eastern Washington and O. k. kennicottii of western Washington. Although they are found in a wide variety of landscapes, Western Screech-Owls usually occupy similar microhabitats; hardwood stands or forests with a dense undergrowth of shrubs. This species is not characteristic of higher boreal forests where conifers dominate. As is the case for many owls, detection frequency is poor, which result in relatively few BBA data.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume and edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester