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Species Code: WIPU
Legend: Breeding Range Map Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made) Click to enlarge distribution map
The Wilson's Warbler is common in all forested habitats below treeline in western Washington. It is an uncommon breeder in the east Cascades in middle- and high-elevation forests, where it is limited to moist microhabitats. It is an uncommon breeder in moist montane forests of northeastern Washington, and a local breeder around seeps and springs at high elevations in the Blue Mountains.
All west-side zones below Alpine/Parkland and all east-side zones below Alpine/Parkland and above Interior Douglas-fir were core, except that the Grand Fir zone in theBlue Mountains was excluded. The Interior Douglas-fir and Ponderosa Pine zones (except in the Blue Mountains) were peripheral. In all west-side zones and all east-side zones above the Grand Fir zone, all habitats were good with the following exceptions: bare ground, estuaries, high-density development, and sparse vegetation in Alpine/Parkland (all excluded), and mid-density development (adequate). In the Grand Fir and Interior Douglas-fir zones, wetlands, forest openings and forests were good, and in the Ponderoa Pine zones, wetlands and forests were good.
Western Washington breeders represent the western subspecies W. p. chryseola and those in northeastern Washington and Blue Mountains breeders represent the Rocky Mountain subspecies W. p. pileolata. This widespread warbler is limited by small breaks in the forest, which provide suitable moist shrubby cover. They also inhabit natural clearings, wetland edges, avalanche chutes, riparian zones, and clearcuts. The drop in numbers east of the Cascade crest is due to the relative dryness of the forests there, compared to those in most of western Washington. In northeastern Washington, precipitation is higher and temperatures are more moderate, conditions which create forests similar to those in western Washington.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester