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Species Code: MAPE
The Fisher may no longer be in Washington and was limited mostly to dense, preferably mature, forest, although second growth with good cover may also be used. Fishers require snags and logs for maternity dens; they also use such things as brush piles, snow dens, other animals' burrows, tree cavities and hollow logs for temporary sleeping sites and shelters. On the west side of the Cascades, Fishers were generally found in low to mid-elevation forests. On the east side, most records were from Sub-alpine Fir forests followed by mid-elevation forests. There are no records from Ponderosa Pine forests. The species is absent from most of its former range in the Puget Trough.
Core zones for their historic range included both Western Hemlock zones, Interior Redcedar, Sitka Spruce, Olympic Douglas-fir, Interior Redcedar, Interior Douglas-fir, Sub-alpine Fir, and Grand Fir. Good habitats included water/wetlands and closed mid to late successional forest. Since successional stage of east-side forests generally cannot be determined from satellite imagery, all forest in east-side zones was modeled, which will overestimate the amount of appropriate east-side habitat. Our Fisher data consisted of 52 museum records plus 33 recent records which were compiled from various sources.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Mammal Volume by Dave Lester
Design by Tim Knight; Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service