Species Code: SOCI
Legend: Breeding Range Map Click to enlarge distribution map Map with historical museum records
Although the Masked Shrew occurs in a wide variety of habitats on this continent, in the Northwest, it seems to be limited to forested situations. On the Olympic Peninsula, it ranges from sea level through the alpine. It is absent in the Puget Trough. In the Cascades, it occurs up to treeline, but not above. In northeastern Washington, it occurs at least from 2300 to 6000 feet elevation, apparently in all forest types but not in true, i.e., treeless, alpine.
Core zones were Interior Douglas-fir, Olympic Douglas-fir, Grand Fir, both Western Hemlock zones, Sub-alpine Fir, Silver Fir, Mountain Hemlock, and Interior Redcedar. In the core zones and Sitka Spruce zone, fresh water/wet/lands and all forests were good habitat.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Mammal Volume by Dave Lester
Webpage designed by Dave Lester