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Species Code: OCPR
Habitat Main habitat requirement is talus, rock, or boulder slides; boulder fields, rock piles, and rock fills for roads or railroads not covered by brush or forest overstory. Such conditions exist primarily in the alpine up to the bottom of permanent snow and ice and in rock slides in the sub-alpine zone. May occur in large rock slides down to 2000 feet. Found in the Cascades and northeast regions. Its range limits extend into the marginal zones where there is proximity to steep terrain and higher zones. Alpine/Parkland, Sub alpine Fir, Silver Fir, and Mountain zones were core. The Western Hemlock, interior Western Hemlock, Grand Fir, and Interior Douglas-fir zones were peripheral. All forested and non-forested habitats were suitable if appropriate patches of rocky openings were present. Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Mammal Volume by Dave Lester