Species Code: TARU
Legend: Breeding Range Map Click to enlarge distribution map Map with historical museum records
Found only in the far northeastern counties of Washington, Pend Oreille, Stevens, and northern Spokane. Usually in dense mountain coniferous forests and in openings, clearcuts, edges, and talus within those forests. Also in all habitats above those forests up to the lower alpine zone. Generally above Ponderosa Pine and Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir forests. Lower limit is about 2000 feet and upper is to the highest elevation (7309 feet) in the northeast corner of the state.
Core zones were Grand Fir, Interior Western Hemlock, Interior Redcedar, Sub-alpine Fir, and Alpine/Parkland. In those zones, non-forested and forested areas were good habitat.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Mammal Volume by Dave Lester
Webpage designed by Dave Lester