Species Code: TAAM
Legend: Breeding Range Map Click to enlarge distribution map Map with historical museum records
This species prefers open pine forests, but is also in semi-open mixed pine, larch, and fir forest on higher slopes of the east Cascades. It uses these forests and the talus slides and meadows or meadow-forest edges within them. On the west slope of the Cascades, it is above dense forests in mostly alpine and sub-alpine zones and is never lower than 4000 feet. In the Olympics, the Yellow-pine Chipmunk is confined chiefly to the stunted tree areas, meadows, and talus of the alpine and sub-alpine zones. In the southeast part of Washington, they will apparently settle for a handful of pines in the pine stands which are in combination with considerable brush and rock outcrops, forming a good-sized island of cover.
Sub-alpine Fir, Mountain Hemlock, and Alpine/Parkland were core zones. In those zones, non-forested and open forest habitats were good. It is found in a multitude of forested zones but rarely in the dense closed forest areas. In all steppe zones, riparian and forested were good habitat.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Mammal Volume by Dave Lester
Webpage designed by Dave Lester