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Seattle Audubon Field Trips


Augusta (Gussie) Litwer was instrumental in gathering field trip data and entering the 31,838 records into NatureMapping database. NatureMapping's Seattle Audubon Field Trip Analysis (1995-2004) is a 20-page report including maps of the different field trips and how they relate to the Important Bird Areas.

Appendix A contains the list of the birds of Washington with the number of records submitted by Audubon compared to the records within the NatureMapping database. There are 50 species for which no data have been submitted to NatureMapping.

It also highlights the species have been identified by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS).

Species highlighted in:
  • blue - do not have any records in the database
  • black bold - are CWCS species recommended for monitoring
  • red bold - do not have any records in the database and do not have any records in the database

    Appendix B contains the names of the field trips, the total number of records and amount of times data from each field trip were reported.