Horny Toad Life Cycle!!!

Field Guide >>>>>>>> Our Data Graphs
January Hibernates ________________ 1 seen
February Hibernates ________________ 0 seen
March Courtship and Mating ________________ 3 seen
April Courtship and Mating ________________ 12 seen
May Courtship and Mating ________________ 15 seen
June Courtship and Mating ________________ 49 seen
July Peak Activity ________________ 73 seen
August Babies Born ________________ 70 seen
September Babies Born ________________ 28 seen
October Hibernates Some activity
depending on weather!
2 seen
November Hibernates ________________ 0 seen
December Hibernates ________________ 0 seen

We made two comparison charts after reading "Amphibians and Reptiles of the Pacific Northwest" by Ronald Nussbaum and compared it to our collected data.

Next comparison: The Day in the Life of a Horny Toad!