Problems with Computers

While working with ArcView we encountered a few minor problems with the computers.
In 3 paragraphs we will tell you the problems and how we worked through them.

To begin with all the horny toad sightings got deleted… In order to put the sightings back on the map we first had to make a point where each horny toad was found. Then we filled in the data on the horny toad table. It took us 2 weeks to accomplish this.

The second problem that interfered with us was that Mr. Tramthum came in one night and switched our computers from Windows ‘95 to Windows 2000. This act erased the whole ArcView program. Luckily we had a plan B which was we had the program saved on a CD which we transferred into a new ArcView program. Luckily, he saw the main table we had created with data from 5 years and he saved that, so we felt happy.

The last problem that we had before we finished the project was that after we loaded the program back on the computer it would not let us open the horny toad project. We tried multiple strategies of opening the project but none of our strategies seemed to fix the problem. So we called up our computer man, Dan, and he traveled all the way from Seattle to help us work through the problem.

In conclusion, all the computer problems have been fixed and our Horny Toad project is finished for this year. YAHOO!!!

Comments by Taylor and Briana, June 2004

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