Waterville Adopt-a-Farmer 2005

Tracking Horny Toads in the Field - Methods and Results

Tracking Horny Toads


We caught 3 Short-horned lizards that weighed over 5 grams. We caught others but put them back because they didn't weigh enough. (The lizards had to be big enough to carry the radio-transmitters on their backs.)
The lizards were named Violet, Scratchy, and Dash.

We glued a radio transmitter to each of their backs and waited 24-hours before we released them where we found them.
Each radio transmitter had a different frequency.
We visited the fields 18 times between 4/23/2005 and 6/4/2005.
We usually went out after school. Sometimes we went out Saturday mornings.


The lizards were captured in scab patches between farm fields. The lizards were found close to scab patches after school and farther into the fields on Saturday mornings. Violet was the only lizard we found 2 days in a row. She moved 276 feet (84 meters) in one day.

Horny toad

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