Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi)
Range Map and Point Locations

Short-horned lizard Where is Waterville?
Waterville is located in the round doughnut-shaped white area made up of mainly non-irrigated dry-land wheat farms that surround the town.

The green areas include grasslands, shrub savannas, shrublands and tree savannas. The small circles are historical Short-horned lizard locations.

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Notice, the white area is where WAGAP did NOT predict Short-horned lizards to occur. Nor, were there any historical records from that area.

WAGAP collected specimen records from museums throughout the United States. Some of these records dated back to the 1800's.

  • We obtained 96 records from 78 unique locations
  • Whereas, the Adopt-a-Farmer Project collected 68 records in 3 months!

    Collecting curent information will help WAGAP review and update its models to give a realistic picture of Short-horned lizard's habitat use and distribution.

    Reference: Dvornich, K.M., K.R. McAllister, and K.B. Aubry. 1997. Amphibians and Reptiles of Washington State: Location data and predicted distributions. Volume 2 in Washington State Gap Analysis-Final Report, (K.M. Cassidy, C.E. Grue, M.R. Smith, and K.M. Dvornich, eds.), Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Washington, Seattle. 146 pp.