Ice Caps and Glaciers

Habitat code: 120

Photo: KMD

Saltwater glacier
Photo: KMD
Distribution and Habitat:
Saltwater glaciers (glaciers that terminate at the sea) are found in the most northern and southern latitudes. When they reach the saltwater, pieces (icebergs) break off and slowly melt.

Interesting fact:
Glaciers are so heavy that when they retreat, the land below them rises back to where it was before the ice covered it.

Freshwater Glacier
Photo: KMD
Distribution and Habitat:
Freshwater glaciers are glaciers at higher elevations that do not extend to the sea.

Interesting fact:
The bright blue color in a glacier is trapped air.

Lady beetles (aka Lady bugs)
scientific name
Photo: KMD
Distribution and Habitat:
Lady bugs are found all over the world. They have many different patterns.

Larvae eat more than their parents. Their food consists of aphids, white flies, mites and other insects that damage our gardens.

Interesting fact:
Lady beetles have been known to hibernate in large groups in the crevices of glaciers.

Ice worms

Photo: AVP
Distribution and Habitat:
Ice worms are found in glaciers.

Probably small particles of plant debris trapped inside the ice.

Interesting fact:
The glacial ice is not a solid block, but made up of small crushed pieces pressed tightly together. Ice worms move through the small openings between the pieces.

Western toad
Bubo boreas
Photo: KM
Distribution and Habitat:
The Western toad has been found on top of glaciers in Alaska. It is also found in the lower 48 states.

Insects are its primary food source.

Interesting fact:
Some of the frogs "freeze" during the winter. Their bodies produce a lot of sugar which moves into all of the cells. Just as sugar water doesn't freeze, neither does their sugar-packed blood, and it flows very slowly. When there is a spring thaw, the sugar decreases and their blood thins out and they are ready to look for a mate.