Analyze Your Data
If you are collecting using the NatureMapping Data Reporting Protocols, you can conduct the following analyses:
- How many species have been observed? Group the species into taxonomic groups and create a pie chart.
- How many species have been observed in:
2004 _________ or Jan ________
2005 _________ Feb ________
2006 _________ Mar ________
Create a bar graph showing the number of species on the Y-axis and the years or months on the X-axis.
Give the graph an appropriate title.
- How many species were observed each year (month) that are neotropical migrants (NTM)?
2004 _________ or Jan ________
2005 _________ Feb ________
2006 _________ Mar ________
Create a bar graph with the number of species observed (question #1) and the number of NTM's.
- What percent of the species are neotropical migrants, residents, non-natives?
Create a pie chart for the species. Discuss how the percentages may change over time due to habitat modification or climate change.
- How many species were seen in the different habitats this year? (Select the habitat codes you have been reporting)
231 ______
520 ______
615 ______
Create a bar graph showing the number of species on the Y-axis and the habitats on the X-axis.
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