Wildlife Module

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Analyze Your Data

If you are collecting using the NatureMapping Data Reporting Protocols, you can conduct the following analyses:

  1. How many species have been observed? Group the species into taxonomic groups and create a pie chart.

  2. How many species have been observed in:
    	2004 _________	   or    		Jan ________
    	2005 _________			        Feb ________
    	2006 _________			        Mar ________
    Create a bar graph showing the number of species on the Y-axis and the years or months on the X-axis. Give the graph an appropriate title.

  3. How many species were observed each year (month) that are neotropical migrants (NTM)?
    	2004 _________	   or    		Jan ________
    	2005 _________			        Feb ________
    	2006 _________			        Mar ________
    Create a bar graph with the number of species observed (question #1) and the number of NTM's.

  4. What percent of the species are neotropical migrants, residents, non-natives?

    Create a pie chart for the species. Discuss how the percentages may change over time due to habitat modification or climate change.

  5. How many species were seen in the different habitats this year? (Select the habitat codes you have been reporting)
    	231 ______
    	520 ______
    	615 ______
    Create a bar graph showing the number of species on the Y-axis and the habitats on the X-axis.

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