The Anna’s Hummingbird (Calypte anna) was named after the 19th century Italian duchess Anna De Belle Massena.
What they look like:
Anna's Hummingbird is a medium-sized hummingbird, 4 inches in length. It has
an iridescent green back and grayish-white underparts. The colorful adult male
has an iridescent rosy-red crown and gorget that extends to the sides of the
neck (see photos below). The female has an overall dusky appearance with a green
back and gray throat patch (see photo to the right). Females have green heads,
with a small amount of red on their throats. Immatures look like the adult female.
Where they live:
Originally found only on the Pacific slope from Baja California to San
Francisco. Anna's Hummingbird has increased its population and expanded
its breeding range in recent years to Vancouver, British Columbia, east
to southern Arizona.
Anna's Hummingbird appears throughout the year in the Puget Sound region of
western Washington.
What they eat: Anna's Hummingbirds feed on nectar from flowers
and feeders. This hummingbird eats
more insects than any of the other North American hummingbirds. They pluck spiders
and trapped insects from spider webs.
Male and female Anna's Hummingbirds are together only long enough to mate. The
female builds the nest and cares for the young. There are typically
1 or 2 eggs per nest. The hummingbird eggs are roughly the size and shape of
a small jellybean.
Did you know?
- Anna's Hummingbird wings beat about 40-50 times per second in normal flight.
- Hummingbirds fly about 25mph in normal flight and up to 40mph in a courtship dive.
- A hummingbird can consume up to 50% of its weight in nectar each day.
- The nest is slightly bigger than a walnut.
- A hummingbird's egg is about the size of a small jellybean.
The colors of the crown and throat appear to change when this male turns its head. From a side view, the head looks gray,
but from a face-on view, the rose color of this male is displayed.

Anna's Hummingbird Silhouette
More information: BirdWeb: Anna's Hummingbird All About Birds: Anna's Hummingbird
More photos: Anna's Hummingbird Photos on the Wildlife Web
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