Washington NatureMapping Program

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Learn How to Use Data Collection Form

sample data collection form

Move the mouse pointer over the image to learn about the form.

Observer's Name / ID:   Enter your full name and 4-digit NatureMapping ID Number.
     Request an ID Number here.
     Forgot your ID Number? click here

City/County/State:  Enter the County name and code (WA_County_Codes.pdf)
Enter "WA" or go to the US map on our website to see if your state is setup for NatureMapping data collection.

Date:   Enter data collection date. (MM/DD/YYYY)

Species Name: Record the common name of the animal.

Species Code: Record the NatureMapping Species Code.

     Learn about Species Codes >>
     Washington Species List (pdf) >>

Questionable sighting. Put a "1" or "2" in the cell, otherwise leave blank.
1. Are not sure if you identified the species correctly
2. Know the species ID is correct, but it "shouldn't be there"

How Observed:

Options are:
2. heard
3. saw
4. trapped
5. sign (tracks, scat, pellets, fur or hair, feathers, bones)
6. heard & saw
7. photos
8. on nest
9. dead
10. other database
11. flying overhead

Location: Enter the location of the study location.

Report one of the following:
TRS: Township. Range. Section.
Lat/Long: Latitude and longitude

Learn how to find your location >>

How many did you see?

Record actual numbers


Large flocks - provide an estimate of the number of animals

Habitat Code: Enter the three digit habitat code.

Describe the space wildlife are using

General codes: Select from the general codes below.

100 - Unvegetated (beach, sand dunes, glaciers)
200 - Developed (residential, city, parking lots, playing fields, golf courses)
300 - Agriculture (commercial or hobby farms, vineyards)
400 - Open water (lakes, rivers, ocean)
500 - Wetlands (ponds, edges of streams - also called riparian, vegetated beaches)
600 - Non-forest (clearcuts, prairies, tundra)
700 - Deciduous/hardwood forest
800 - Deciduous/conifer forest
900 - Conifer forest

Detailed Habitat Codes: Each of the 3-digits tell more about a habitat.
See the Habitat Classification Instructions for the detailed list. (Habitat_Codes.pdf)

Learn How Habitats are Classified >>


What is a habitat code? A habitat code is a series of 3 numbers that describe the habitat where the wildlife was observed, which may be in a different habitat you are in. For example, standing on the beach and observing a Harbor seal in the ocean. The habitat code would be 420 for ocean, not the code for the beach.

Go to the Habitat Practice >>

Field Notes:

Sketch & describe field marks on head, body & tail.

For mammals, birds, amphibians, & reptiles observe:

body covering
day, time temperature, & weather conditions optional

View a completed data collection form >>

Learn more about How to Participate >>

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Observer's Name City, County, State Date Species Name Sure How observed Location How many did you see? Habitat code