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NatureMapping Activities

2. Speaking Species I

An in-class activity to help students learn the factors used to identify species.  Students act as news reporters interviewing their assigned animal and to begin their journal.

Data Collection Form - Protocol 2

Materials Needed:

  • List of animals, assigned to students.
    Amphibians; Pacific tree frog, Bullfrog, Western toad, Great basin spadefoot toad, Roughskin newt, Pacific giant salamander, Long-toed salamander
    Birds;  Osprey, Bald eagle, American robin, White-crowned sparrow, Canada goose, Ruffed grouse, Dark-eyed Junco, Northern Pintail, Barn swallow
    Mammals; Black bear, Mountain lion, Masked shrew, Douglas' squirrel, Mule deer, Bobcat, Raccoon, Northern pocket gopher, Hoary Bat
    Reptiles; Western fence lizard, Short-horned lizard, Common garter snake, Western rattlesnake, Ring-neck Snake, Painted turtle

  • Student Interview Questions – make copies for each group or transparency for overhead.
  • Animal Fact Sheets, Burke Museum Field Guides, Field guides and online resources, and encyclopedia
  • Species of Washington List (pdf)
  • Data Collection Form (pdf)
  • Student journal (small notebook with blank or lined paper) or download cover (pdf) fill with sheets of blank paper, fold and staple.

Teacher’s Guide:

  1. Divide the class into teams of 2 students with 2 animals, one for each student.
  2. Distribute Data Collection Forms and student journals.
  3. Explain the use of the journal and data collection form.
  4. Each student team selects or is assigned an animal.  Interview Questions guide student research.
  5. Teams prepare and present “interviews” to the class.
  6. Students will practice online to find species codes (practice)
  7. Students will practice online spelling the names of common species (practice)
  8. Note: # 6 and 7 are part of the Student's Guide


Student Guide »


Carnivore - any animal that feeds on flesh (Example: "A lion is a large carnivore.")

Herbivore - any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants (Example: "Horses are herbivores")

Migrate - move periodically or seasonally. Example: "Birds migrate in the Winter."

Omnivore - an animal that eats animals and plants.

NatureMapping Activities

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