NatureMapping Animal Facts for Kids

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)

distribution map

What they look like: The tree swallow is about five inches long. It has a forked tail, like the letter V. The tree swallow has a blue head, back and wings and white feathers on its underside. Females: are not as bright in color as males.

Tree Swallow photo by NP

Where they live: In North America tree swallows breed from Alaska east to Newfoundland, Canada and south to California, Colorado, Nebraska and Maryland. It winters north to southern California, the Gulf Coast and the Carolinas.

What they eat: Tree swallows eat bugs and berries.

Nesting: The female tree swallow lays four to six eggs in a cup-shaped nest. Their nests are plentifully lined with soft materials, especially feathers. Their nests are usually built in a hole in a tree or in bird houses. The eggs hatch in about two weeks. The chicks are able to fly in about three weeks

Behavior: The tree swallow can be found in wet area's and open areas near woods. The tree swallow is a short-distance traveler. They gather in large flocks along the coast in the fall. They are the first swallows to reappear in Washington in the spring when flowers start to bloom.

Tree Swallow Silhouette
Tree Swallow photo by NP
Tree Swallow photo

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Photo Credit: Natures Pics

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