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Species Code: TABI
Metadata (Data about data or how the map was made)
The Tree Swallow is common in open habitats near water or over water at lower elevations on both sides of the Cascade crest. It breeds near water, usually in tree cavities or nest boxes. It will also utilize cavities occurring in buildings. Generally, it does not occur at high elevations, and it is local at low elevations in eastern Washington cities.
All forested zones below the Mountain Hemlock zone (west side) and below the Sub-alpine Fir zone (east side) were core, as were steppe zones at the edge of the Columbia Basin. In most forested zones all habitats except bare ground and high-density development were good. In the Ponderosa Pine and Oak zones dryland agriculture was also excluded. In the steppe zones, only low-to mid-density development, wetlands, water bodies, and forests were good.
Tree Swallows are quite common in appropriate habitats. Their foraging areas vary widely and can be any open habitat near their nest site.
Translated from the Washington Gap Analysis Bird Volume by Uchenna Bright
Text edited by Gussie Litwer
Webpage designed by Dave Lester