Disturbed habitats - Areas where people use a lot or where livestock graze:
621 - mostly grass, no trees, maybe 1 or 2 shrubs
622 - A few shrubs or sagebrush scattered around with dirt, rock or sand in between the shrubs
624 - Lots of shrubs, making it hard to see the ground
626 - A dried up stream bank (Add a habitat code for the type of habitat the stream was running through.)

Non-disturbed habitats - Areas where people rarely use and no recent (within 2 years) grazing:
610 - Gravel pit (naturally occurring)
611 - Mostly grass, no trees, maybe a shrub or two
612 - A few shrubs or sagebrush scattered around with dirt, rock or sand in between the shrubs
614 - Lots of shrubs, making it hard to see the ground
615 - A few trees growing within grasslands, dirt and rocks or shrubs
616 - A dried stream bank (add a habitat code for the type of habitat the stream was running through.)

321 - Maintained pasture; seeded and regularly mown pasture - non-irrigated
322 - Non-irrigated row crops (wheat, alfalfa, etc.)
312 - Irrigated row crops (wheat, alfalfa, etc.)

202 - Industrial/business areas (airports, downtown)
203 - Mining operations (gravel pits or quarries)
204 - Alongside of roads (write in if road was gravel, dirt or asphalt)


Date:______________ Time of Day:_______________
Temp: Hot(over 80^)_____ Warm: (Between 70-80^)____
Observer Name________________________________
Location: T________R_________S______QTR_______
Latitude_____________ Longitude________________
Habitat Code:____________________
Is this your first time at this site: YES/NO
If YES, was the lizard close to: farm fields_____ road____
stream_______ home_______

If NO, if the lizard was buried, what was the closest thing to it?_______________________(rocks, shrubs, etc)
Did you watch the lizard bury itself in the sand? YES/NO
Did you look under rocks to find it? YES/NO
Was it on top of the rock sunning itself? YES/NO
Was it by an ant mound? YES/NO
Was it dead? YES/NO
Was it eating? YES/NO What was it eating?___________
Did you catch one?YES/NO How did you catch it? ____________________________________________
Was there more than one kind of lizard?YES/NO
If YES: Were they the same size? YES/NO
How big were they?_________
How many were there?_________
If NO, what did the other lizard look like? ___________ ____________________________________________
Other information you feel is important? ______________

List of other animals you saw nearby: ________________

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