
(Methods - 1st year)

Farmer Invitation | Farmer Data Sheet

Karen sent a list of information needed for the Short-horned lizard study to Mrs. Petersen. The class created the Farmer Data Sheet. They laminated the habitat codes list and put holes on the top and string through the holes, so the farmers could hang them on their tractor. They photocopied lots of data collection sheets and made data collection books for the farmers.

(Methods - 2nd Year)

The farmers visited the school on June 8, 2000 to see what the students have accomplished over the past year. They also picked up their data collection forms for this summer.

The students will record their observations during the summer. Karen will put ArcView on their computer in the fall and everyone (including the farmers) will learn how to plot on a map in the computer where they saw the horny toads.

The students will

  1. Update their data and graphs
  2. Go out into the field after school and look at the habitat and the behaviors of the horny toads in the field
  3. Work with their adopted farmers to come up with ideas of what the horny toads are doing in the fields
  4. Try to collect different insects this year for the food preference study
  5. Build a bigger and better over-winter enclosure
  6. Ask Dr. Chuck Peterson, Idaho State University, for a temperature probe and possibly a fiber-optic system to see horny toads in tunnels or underneath rocks.
  7. Assist Karen in writing a paper for a professional journal.

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