Little River Boy


The meadow overflowed with water and Little River Boy flows down to the pasture where the horses run wild and free. One horse starts drinking from the water and Little River Boy approaches. Soon the point of the canoe startles the horse and he gallops away.


Little River Boy floats down through weeds and over rocks. The rougher the rock, the harder it is for Little River Boy to go down and onward to the next site.

As he goes into the clearing, he hears a stomping noise getting closer and closer. It's horses -- right in front of him. Oh no! A horse is going to stomp on him. The hoof is caving in around the brave Little River Boy. It just misses him.

On Little River Boy goes down the river on through the winding weeds and water. Not knowing his path, he can't chose his course just watching and rowing through the water.


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