Land Cover Definitions
Pictures and Descriptions
Water Module »
4 Open Water - Fresh & Salt
4 - Open water: Example: 415 = River
- 00 - All open water (Waterbodies that are a combination of any
two categories listed below)
- 10 - Fresh water
- 11 - Fresh water lakes
- 12 - Municipal ponds (including reservoirs, storm water retention)
- 13 - Channeled scabland ponds (Eastern Washington)
- 14 - Sewage ponds
- 15 - Fresh moving water (Use this code for rivers)
- 17 - Manmade canals (Manmade canals can be either irrigation
- 18 - Irrigation ponds (Irrigation ponds are manmade ponds near
- 20 - Salt water
- 21 - Tidal pools
- 26 - Saltwater shorelines, Heavy Development: >60% development
- 27 - Saltwater shorelines, Moderate Development: 30-60% development & 1 pier/200 feet
- 28 - Saltwater shorelines, Light Development: 10-30% surface development, and no more than & 1 pier per 0.5 mile
- 29 - Rocks, cobble, gravel, boulder
- 30 - Brackish water (This the area where the fresh water from
large rivers meets salt water. Brackish salt water marshes would be coded the same as estuarine marshes, under the wetlands category)