NatureMapping Foundation
The NatureMapping Foundation was established to provide
support to the Program and NatureMapping Centers, distribute products, and provide services
(e.g, bioblitzes, reports, and analyses).
The NatureMapping Program's vision is environmental stewardship of communities through school, community, agency, and business partnerships.
Its' mission is to protect biodiversity through data collection and dissemination.
NatureMapping Founders
NatureMapping Partners
GAP, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, CyberTracker International, NatureMapping Centers
Learn about our partners »
Worldwide Distribution of NatureMapping Web Visitors

In 2010, the NatureMapping website had over 800,000 visits from people in 9,770 cities worldwide. This map illustrates the distribution of visitors who spent
a significant amount of time viewing the website. The website visits continue to grow. It received a record 1 million hits in May, 2011.
(Data from Google Analytics and University of Washington)
Support the NatureMapping Program
Advances in technology now allow us to offer customized maps and data to NatureMapping participants. A $10 donation can go
a long way to helping us help you "keep common species common".