NatureMapping Bioblitzes
What's a Bioblitz?
Bioblitzes are 24-hour species inventories conducted by scientists and the local community.
Most of NatureMapping bioblitzes are conducted to assess predicted species lists/maps and to develop baseline
inventories for landowners.
NatureMapping has been involved in bioblitzes since 2005. Its main role is to provide provide the training
for participants on the use of NatureTracker, provide the equipment, coordinate the logistics of taxonomic team deployment,
and run the technology station at Science Central. Data are displayed on a large screen as teams return from the field.
After the bioblitz, reports are generated for the landowner and maps are displayed on the NatureMapping website.
(Click on the popup's to learn more)
How to start a Bioblitz
Examples of forms:
Pt. Defiance Park 2011 Bioblitz, Tacoma, Washington
MetroParks of Tacoma sponsored the bioblitz with the goal to inventory their property around Pt. Defiance Zoo and
Aquarium and use the information to make better land management decisions.
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Washington Park Arboretum 2010 Bioblitz, Seattle, Washington
The Greenhouse was the "Science Central" site for the 2010 Bioblitz.
Scientists, taxa experts, volunteers, and land owners participated in the 24-hour inventory of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and plants.
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Roy 2009 Bioblitz, Washington
Roy Rodeo Hall was the "Science Central" site for the 2009 Bioblitz.
Over 50 scientists, taxa experts, volunteers, land owners and news media participated in the 24-hour inventory of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and plants.
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Central Park 2006 Bioblitz, New York City
The NatureMapping Program partnered with the Explorer's Club that
hosted the bioblitz in order to expedite data collection and analyses
for the Explorer's Club and to test the final changes to the Nature
Tracker software.
NatureMapping coordinated the Technology Team of volunteers,
trained to use the Program's data collection software, Nature Tracker on
handheld devices (PDA's) with attached GPS units. Over 160 people
participated in the bioblitz as members of taxa teams, identifying 358
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Cape Cod Bioblitz, Brewster, MA
A joint effort between the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, Boston
Museum of Science and Technology, and the NatureMapping Program
resulted in a 3-hour demonstration bioblitz on May 2, 2006 in Brewster,
MA. The goal was to demonstrate how a bioblitz is conducted, involve
the local community, and prepare volunteers who would be involved in
the Central Park Bioblitz the following month.
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Chewelah Peaks Learning Center Bioblitz
Chewelah Peaks Learning Center was the site for NatureMapping's
8th Annual National Meeting in May, 2005. Nature Tracker was used to
collect data to assess what possible projects would work and the scope
of each project.
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Lower White River Bioblitz, Washington
The Lower White River Bioblitz was held on June 2-3, 2006. Over 100 scientists, taxa experts, volunteers,land owners and news media participated in the 24-hour inventory of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and plants.
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Using NatureTracker Software for a Bioblitz

NatureTracker has been used to collect data in 5 recent bioblitzes using two laptops to collect, display, and finalize data:
- Gig Harbor, 840 acres of private lands, over 50 participants - June, 2005
- Cape Cod Museum of Natural History in Massachusetts, 80 acres, over 100 participants - May, 2006
- Central Park New York, 800 acres, over 160 participants - June, 2006
- Lower White River, 1,560 acres in 2006 and in 2007
specific areas in the cities of Pacific and Auburn.