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NatureMapping Activities
7. Animal Signs
To help students develop observational skills recognizing common animal signs.
Materials needed:
Teacher’s Guide:
- Students will develop "search image" by practicing their different senses. Report if you: see, hear, see and hear, or smell.
Other ways to record your observations are if you see a carcass, see a bird on nest, flying overhead and signs.
- Using the same Treasure map, place 2-3 Sign cards along the way. Also place "Other signs" (Pencil, gum wrap, feather, golf ball) along the path.
- Divide the class into groups of 3-5.
- Each student will use their Treasure Map
- Students will record/draw in their journals what they see and where they see it (e.g., what segment of the route that they see it. There are 4 segments).
- As a team they will compare their sheets and re-trace the route if they missed any of the signs.
- Students will return to the classroom and using field guides and Internet identify who made the signs.
- Students will add their information to the Data Collection Sheet.
Student Guide:
- Practice looking and identifying different signs online. (Click Here)
- Go outdoors and using your Treasure Map, walk slowly along the segments, looking around for signs.
- Draw each segment of the Map and where you found the sign and what the sign was.
- After every team member has found the signs, bring them back into the classroom.
- Using field guides, Internet, and materials your teacher provides, identify the signs.
- Enter the data for each of the species on your Data Collection Sheet.
Student Guide »
Search image - knowing where to look
Tracking - the pursuit of an animal by following tracks or marks they left behind.
NatureMapping Activities